Tuesday, June 18, 2013

So, why the sudden change.

I said earlier, that I would post about why I decided to make the change of going back to school. Well, to tell the whole story I need to go back to March of 2012. Cancer might just be the worst word ever. You hear it and either your heart drops, or your heart breaks from the pain it has already caused you. Well that March I learned my father had cancer. I thought ok, we can handle this. I put on the bravest face I could. My father was amazing. He fought it, by going to radiation 5 days a week. My sister and I went out to see him in April of that year. He was my same old dad, just less of an appetite and smaller. The months went by and my dad got sicker. He was in and out of the hospital a lot. In November of 2012 we headed out to Texas. We knew we were essentially facing the inevitable. My father didn't want us out there. He kept saying he would be fine. He didn't want us to see him in pain was the truth. After days of sleeping in the hospital waiting room, my father went home with my Aunt to Missouri to live his final days. In December, it got to the point where we knew he had little time left. He was sleeping all day and barely eating. I would still call to say hi even though he couldn't talk. It was odd because he had talked to me just 2 weeks earlier, and he almost sounded like his old self. Even though I knew it was coming, nothing could prepare me for such heartbreak of finding out he was gone. It has been a little over 6 months and it still hurts like hell. After seeing the care my father got at the hospital in Texas, I decided I wanted to help people. I looked around online and medical assisting seemed like a really good fit. Well starting on July 3rd, I will be on my way to becoming a medical assistant. The program is 43 weeks long. I will be in school 4 days a week, for 8 hours a day. I honestly feel like I may have gotten a little push from my dad in the right direction. I will be working some but not much while I am in school. It will definitely be a change, and it will be hard. I know that I can do it. I have my amazing husband, family, and friends. This should end up being quite the adventure. As for why I am writing again. I have always loved to write. In fact if I could have my dream job, it would be writing comedy. So I took a page from Kevin Smith literally. In his book,Tough Shit: Life Advice From A Fat Lazy Slob Who Did Good. Besides writing beautiful words about his own father who passed away, he says to go out and do what you love. Create content, and don't worry if people are loving or hating it. So that is why I am doing it. I hope some of you decide to follow along with me.

Starting Fresh

I started this blog three years ago in my spare time. After some time I promptly forgot all about it. Life took its turns and now I am back to it. I am determined to keep up with it this time. When I started this blog, I was 24, living in Tampa and Casey and I were just dating. Now I am 27, married to Casey, back living in Ocala, Fl and we have a fur baby named Penny. I am starting school on July 3rd, to become a medical assistant. It will be an interesting adventure for sure. I feel like I am on the right path and I think I know who pushed me onto it. So why did I decide suddenly to leave a job that gave me a steady paycheck to school full time? I will answer that shortly in my next post.